Consulting services

Beyond my academic collaborations related to sponsored research projects, joint funding applications, and teaching, I also provide consulting services via Niemeyer Consulting LLC (registered in Oregon).

I provide consulting services in my personal capacity in these general areas and beyond:

  • modeling and simulation of thermal-fluid systems, particularly involving reacting fluid flows
  • high-performance computing, particularly using high-level languages like Python
  • testing of scientific and engineering software
  • open-source software development
  • verification and validation of science and engineering models
  • software support
  • review and evaluation of proposals for research & development funding

Services also include delivery of courses and training in the above and other areas, as well as supporting supervision of research and engineering projects in my areas of expertise.

Consulting fees for these services are negotiated on an individual basis. Services are provided to institutions as well as individuals.

Inquiries for services can be made via email.

Copyright Kyle E. Niemeyer. See this site's GitHub repository to view source and provide feedback.