
Once installed, pyMARS can be run as an executable. Change to the directory where your input files are located, then run:

pymars [options]

The following options are available, and can also be seen by using the -h or --help option:

-h, --help:
   show this help message and exit
-i, --input:
   YAML file with reduction inputs
   Path to directory for writing files
   Number of CPU cores to use for running simulations in parallel.
   If no number, then use available number of cores minus 1.
   Convert files between Cantera and Chemkin formats (.cti <=> .inp)
   thermodynamic data filename (only necessary for Chemkin files)
   transport data filename (only necessary for Chemkin files)

Example reduction

To apply the DRGEP method for reducing the GRI Mech 3.0 model (included with Cantera), with a maximum error of 10%, using the main reactants as targets (CH4 and O2) and always retaining N2, first create a YAML file (let’s call it reduction_input.yaml:

model: gri30.cti
  - CH4
  - O2
  - N2
method: DRGEP
error: 10.0
sensitivity-analysis: False
  - kind: constant volume
    pressure: 1.0
    temperature: 1000.0
      CH4: 1.0
      O2: 1.0
      N2: 3.76
    equivalence-ratio: 1.0

  - kind: constant volume
    pressure: 1.0
    temperature: 1200.0
      CH4: 1.0
      O2: 1.0
      N2: 3.76
    equivalence-ratio: 0.5

Then, execute this command:

pymars --input reduction_input.yaml

You can also download an annotated version of the example input file; refer to the Reduction input file section for a detailed explanation.

Parallelization: If you have a large number of initial conditions, the reduction may be sped up by parallelizing the associated simulations over multiple CPU cores. You can do this by adding --num_threads N, where N is the desired number of cores. If you just specify --num_threads, then pyMARS will use the available numbera of cores minus one.

(pyMARS does not currently support distributed memory parallelization, meaning across multiple nodes that do not share the same memory.)

Sensitivity analysis: To perform sensitivity analysis following DRGEP, change the sensitivity-analysis key to True in the input file, and choose the type of sensitivity analysis with the sensitivity-type field (either initial or greedy). Let’s use the “initial” method for now, since it is less computationally expensive.

Generally it is a good idea to specify an upper threshold value of 0.2 to ensure important species are not evaluated; do this by adding the line upper-threshold: 0.2. (In the Theory guide, this variable is referred to as \(\epsilon^*\).)

Your new input file (called drgepsa_input.yaml) would then look like:

model: gri30.cti
  - CH4
  - O2
  - N2
method: DRGEP
error: 10.0
sensitivity-analysis: True
sensitivity-type: initial
upper-threshold: 0.2
  - kind: constant volume
    pressure: 1.0
    temperature: 1000.0
      CH4: 1.0
      O2: 1.0
      N2: 3.76
    equivalence-ratio: 1.0

  - kind: constant volume
    pressure: 1.0
    temperature: 1200.0
      CH4: 1.0
      O2: 1.0
      N2: 3.76
    equivalence-ratio: 0.5

Then, the command for performing a reduction using DRGEPSA with parallelized simalations would be:

pymars --input drgepsa_input.yaml --num_threads

Reduction input file

You control the model reduction process in pyMARS through a YAML input file, indicated with the --input or -i command-line argument. Keys include:

  • model: filename of kinetic model being reduced (Chemkin or Cantera)

  • phase-name: Optional name of phase in Cantera CTI file to be reduced

  • targets: List of one or more target species; required for DRG, DRGEP, and PFA methods

  • retained-species: Optional list of one or more species to never remove.

  • method: Reduction method; one of DRG, DRGEP, or PFA

  • error: Maximum error limit of reduced model, given as percentage (e.g., 10.0 for 10%).

  • sensitivity-analysis: Specify True to perform sensitivity analysis, either alone or following a method given by method

  • sensitivity-type: Type of sensitivity analysis, either initial or greedy

  • upper-threshold: Upper threshold value for species to be considered for sensitivity analysis; only used when following one of the graph-based reduction methods

  • autoignition-conditions: List of initial conditions for autoignition simulations, described in more detail next

Species given in targets, retained-species, or fuel/oxidizer/reactants must be present in the model specified in model, spelling must match exactly (including case).

Autoignition parameters: pyMARS currently uses autoignition simulations to sample thermochemical data for the reduction and to calculate ignition delays for measuring error of candidate reduced models. Initial conditions need to be provided for performing these simulations, in the autoignition-conditions field of the input file.

These initial conditions are given as a list, with these required keys:

  • kind: Type of homogeneous autoignition simulation; either constant volume or constant pressure

  • pressure: initial pressure, given in atm

  • temperature: initial temperature, given in K

The initial reactant mixture can be given using either an equivalence ratio with separate fuel and oxidizer specifications, or as list of reactants.

To specify the mixture using an equivalence ratio, you must give lists of species in the fuel and oxidizer, with the mole fraction/number of the species in each (these will be automatically normalized):

  CH4: 1.0
  O2: 1.0
  N2: 3.76
equivalence-ratio: 1.0

To specify the mixture using a list of reactants, just give the number of moles of each species in the initial mixture:

  CH4: 1.0
  O2: 2.0
  N2: 7.52

When giving the composition as a list of reactants, you can also specify the mass fraction of the mixture using composition-type: mass:

  CH4: 0.05518632
  O2: 0.22014867
  N2: 0.724665
composition-type: mass

Note: By default, pyMARS automatically integrates each autoignition case to steady state, or to a maximum of 10,000 integration steps. This can be bypassed by specifying either a different number of maximum steps with max-steps: or a maximum integration end time with end-time: (in seconds). During initial sampling, pyMARS will raise an error if it does not detect autoignition, based on reaching the initial temperature + 400 K.

For convenience, and to save significant runtime when reducing the same model with different parameters, pyMARS will automatically reuse saved ignition data from a prior run. It semi-intelligently checks if the number of cases matches that in the input file, but to be safe output files should be cleaned between applications.


pyMARS provides a tool for converting between Chemkin and Cantera model formats. (This is used implicity if a Chemkin model is given when running pyMARS.) Generally this will be used to convert a Cantera reduced model generated by pyMARS into a Chemkin-format model.

To convert a Cantera model into a Chemkin model, do

pymars --convert -m model.cti

pyMARS also provides conversion from Chemkin to Cantera for convenience:

pymars --convert -m model.inp --thermo thermo.dat

The _thermo option is not required if the thermodynamic data is contained within the model file (i.e., with the THERMO ALL keyword). The transport data can also be included in the resulting Cantera file with the --transport option.