.. _sec_installation: ================== Installation Guide ================== pyMARS is available for Python 3.6+ on Linux, macOS, and Windows via ``conda`` and ``pip``. pyMARS depends on ``cantera``, so you should first install that via the ``cantera`` channel, then install pyMARS via the ``niemeyer-research-group`` channel:: conda install -c cantera cantera conda install -c niemeyer-research-group pymars Note that you might need to include the ``conda-forge`` channel by editing your conda configuration:: conda config --append channels conda-forge conda install -c niemeyer-research-group pymars You can also install using ``pip`` by downloading the source code and changing into that directory:: git clone https://github.com/Niemeyer-Research-Group/pyMARS/ cd pyMARS pip install pymars Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to install using ``pip`` from PyPI, because (1) there is no Cantera package on PyPI and (2) someone else claimed the ``pymars`` name. Development ----------- pyMARS can be installed from source by cloning the git repository and changing into that directory:: git clone https://github.com/Niemeyer-Research-Group/pyMARS/ cd pyMARS Then run:: conda develop . if you're using ``conda`` (you may need to install ``conda-build`` first). To uninstall, run:: conda develop . --uninstall Note that this doesn't install the standalone converter scripts. With ``pip``, installing is done by:: pip install -e . To uninstall with ``pip``:: pip uninstall pymars ``pip`` does install the standalone scripts.